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Tag: invasive species

4 Important Facts About Ohio’s Ban on the Callery Pear Tree

Starting on January 1, 2023, Ohio has banned the sale of the Callery pear tree: a typical ornamental tree throughout America. Whether or not you realize it, you have almost certainly seen these trees along roadways, outside of office buildings, or in your neighbors’ yards....

Save the Planet … by Caring for Your Trees

You may just instinctively feel like planting new trees, or taking good care of the ones already in your yard, could help the environment. After all, deforestation is often included in environmental discussions, and you might have heard that trees, which take in carbon dioxide...

Problems With the Bradford Pear Tree

Bradford Pear trees (also known as Callery Pear trees) were once a ubiquitous choice, admired by subdivision builders and suburban homeowners for their beautiful spring flowers. The lovely, perfectly symmetrical shape of their crown has also made them a very popular choice over the years....