Cincinnati Spring Tree Care Tips

Caring For Your Trees During Spring

In Cincinnati, spring is a time of renewal for everything, including our yards and our trees. Homeowners are so happy when the leaves become green and the yard starts looking fresh and lush again. Here are some springtime tips to properly care for and ensure the health and beauty of your trees.

Tree Care Tips for Spring in Cincinnati

Clean all accumulated debris from beneath the trees

This is usually made up of old leaves or leftover mulch from autumn. Clearing this space out will help moisture to enter the ground and will nourish the trees as they begin to sprout buds. Making sure the air flow is good around the trunk and roots is also important in the prevention of fungal diseases, which can be devastating to trees.

Put down a layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds

This is especially important for younger trees. Apply a one-inch layer around the tree, but avoid placing it directly against the trunk. Placing mulch too close to a tree’s base can give diseases like canker a much easier point of access. The mulch layer should be built up to no more than 4 inches deep and should extend to the end of the tree canopy. Use mulch from safe, reputable sources, and not from sources that may contain material from diseased trees.

Watering is important

In general, a tree’s need for water increases as new growth begins in the spring. In areas where de-icing products have been used during the winter, it’s important to flush the area thoroughly so that these harmful products can be moved away from the tree roots. (But, if possible, try to make it a personal policy not to use de-icing chemicals on your property – they can wreak havoc on trees and garden plants, alike.) Make sure that any irrigation system is set up properly – including emitting the proper amount of water on the right schedule. Excessive watering of the roots or watering the leaves (at all) can harm the tree.

Prune, if you haven’t

Generally, the best time of year to prune most trees is during the late autumn or winter dormancy period. However, dead, broken or damaged branches can be removed any time of year. And it’s definitely better to remove damaged branches in the spring, before the tree has to hold the weight of full summer foliage. Dead branches can be spotted easily once the leaves begin to unfurl.

Take a close look at your trees

Before the full, leafy growth of summer has set in, you have a good opportunity to spot any potential problems with your trees. Inspect your trees thoroughly looking for signs of problems. If you find anything that concerns you, contact a tree service company for an analysis.

Look carefully for pests and diseases

These can pose serious threats to your trees. Even if you did not see any evidence of insects during the prior year, you could have them this year. Be vigilant.


Use a slow-release fertilizer that is appropriate for your trees. You can contact us for suggestions and recommendations. It is a good idea to have your soil tested to find out which, if any, nutrients are lacking (and keep in mind that this can change over the years). Many trees do not need fertilizing, and adding some unnecessarily could cause problems for your trees and for the local environment. We are happy to come out for a consultation if you’re concerned about your trees’ welfare.

Consider bracing and cabling, if needed

If a tree is weak and appears to be vulnerable to damage from the wind, it might be a good idea to secure it with stakes and retaining wires wrapped in protective covering where they contact bark. This is not a DIY job, though, and if you’re concerned about your trees needing extra help, call your local tree service provider so they can use appropriate tree bracing and cabling techniques to support your trees.

Many of the problems with trees are caused by homeowners doing something they shouldn’t or not doing something they should. An annual tree inspection is a good idea, and springtime can be a great time to call in the pros to help prepare your trees for the more stressful conditions of summer. Our Cincinnati tree experts would be happy to examine your trees and recommend any appropriate action needed. Call us here at Tree Images, and we can come take a look at your trees and give you our best advice on how to keep them healthy all year long.