Why do you need to tend to your trees’ branches? What can happen if the branches grow unchecked, without trimming or direction? Trees are usually fine if you just leave them alone, right? They grow in the woods and do just fine without any care at all … don’t they?
Pruning Helps the Flowers and Fruit Grow Better
Having tree branches trimmed regularly gives the fruit on the branches room to grow, and allows the tree to put its energy towards generating flowers and then fruit, rather than growing new, weak branches all over the place. Thinned trees let more light in, which aids in the photosynthesis necessary for fruit to blossom and for trees to flourish. Having air and light on the flowers lets them breathe more freely, as well, and makes it easier for bees and other pollinators reach the flowers. Plus, fewer branches means that the tree’s energy is able to be more focused on the remaining branches, and thus, on the remaining flowers and fruit. Fewer branches means that the flowers and fruit on the remaining branches are more likely to flourish.
You May Be Shortening Your Tree’s Life by Not Pruning
Unpruned branches can hide tree-killing arboreal diseases. Sick trees heal more easily when the branches are kept at a modest length. Diseases often take hold in overgrown branches, especially in places that branches cross each other and rub against each other. A yearly routine of tree trimming helps to keep an eye on the health of your trees and remove weak, damaged, or diseased branches. Additionally, sustaining more growth takes more energy. Generally speaking, having to sustain fewer branches means the branches that remain are stronger.
Diseased Branches Can Spread Their Illness to Other Branches
If any illness is affecting your tree, that disease can jump from branch to branch, leaf to leaf, and flower to flower. Trimming away vulnerable, damaged or weak branches can keep illness at bay, and having a tree trimming expert examine your tree ensures that an expert is evaluating the health of your tree on a regular basis, which means small problems can be addressed before they become bigger problems.
Falling Branches Can Hurt People
Every year after heavy storms, emergency rooms deal with horrific accidents involving falling trees and branches. In most of these cases, people were in their own yards, minding their own business, when they were struck and injured by heavy branches snapping and falling. Prevent a trip to the emergency room — or worse — by keeping your trees trimmed. During trimming, we remove large, weak branches at risk of breaking in heavy winds. And even if you’re fortunate enough to have your family not be endangered by falling branches, your car, fence, roof, or lawn furniture might not be so lucky – tree branches can damage property, as well. Your local tree company has lots of expertise in what to look for and how to improve the safety of your yard for both people and property.
Overgrown Branches Are Not a Good Look
Let’s face it — everyone who passes by your home sees your yard. Keeping your trees tidy is an easy and inexpensive way to beautify your living space. It increases your home’s curb appeal, makes the neighbors envious, AND reduces the amount of leaf raking in the fall (fewer branches means fewer leaves)! Home values can even be increased by having healthy, thriving trees on your property.
Repairing Tree Damage is Pricey
Have you ever seen a heavy tree limb fall through a garage door? Land on a roof, ripping off shingles? Destroy a living-room window? Or smash through the windshield of a parked car? Prevent these expensive repairs by keeping branches shorter and lighter. Your bank account (and your insurance rates) will thank you!
If any of these reasons has convinced you that tree trimming is a worthwhile investment, call us for an estimate of what it will take to trim your trees, tidy your yard, beautify your surroundings, and make your home and your family safer.