Deadwood within trees, especially mature trees, is a fairly common occurrence, and is typically caused by two different processes. First, it’s possible that the heartwood of the branch is hollowed out because of fungal colonization or pest infestation. Secondly, storms, disease, lack of sap, lack of nutrition, or even lack of water can cause decay of the bark. When this happens, the branch may end up dying.
Deadwood within trees is actually a natural part of the growth process for some fast growing tree species, such as birch, silver maple and locusts. These and other types of trees grow small interior branches that may not receive enough sunlight. Smaller branches tend to be less useful to the overall growth of the tree and therefore, the tree sends more sap to the larger branches that support the tree. When the sap supply is cut off, as it eventually is, the smaller branches die. Once a branch is dead, it becomes a potential danger due to limb breakage, and it becomes a possible entry point for a variety of diseases and pests.
Reasons To Remove Deadwood & Trim Your Trees
While it may not seem important, there are many reasons why deadwood should be regularly removed from your trees:
- When deadwood breaks off in high winds or in a thunderstorm, the area of the tree where a branch has broken off can expose the heartwood of the tree, which can allow insects to penetrate and create a home. Water can also accumulate in this area which can result in fungus formation and other forms of decay – and this can eventually lead to trunk rot.
- As mentioned above, deadwood can break off during a strong storm or even sometimes in light winds. When this happens, it can cause property damage and injury. Deadwood removal can help minimize liability and safety concerns – which are of particular worry when dealing with branches greater than 2 inches in diameter.
- A tree with a large amount of deadwood is not aesthetically pleasing. Removal will help to improve the overall balance and look of the tree.
- The presence of a lot of deadwood can also prevent proper air circulation throughout the limbs of the tree, which can result in the poor health of the tree.
- Deadwood also reduces the tree’s capability to grow into its proper shape. If the deadwood blocks sunlight to too many of the interior branches of the tree, then the tree will not grow into a beautiful and full shape.
It’s also important to understand the reason why a tree has deadwood, because if there is a lot of it, this may indicate that there may be an underlying problem with the tree. If the problem is not detected and properly rectified, then the tree may be at risk for damage. The expert arborists at Tree Images of Cincinnati can examine trees that appear to have a problem, and recommend appropriate action. We can also examine the roots, soil, and the healthy branches to help find the cause of deadwood in a tree.
The whole team here at Tree Images is skilled at removing deadwood of any size while protecting the healthy limbs of the tree and your Cincinnati property. If you would like a detailed tree service estimate, contact us today.